Introducing the Byzantine Music and Iconography Committees
Byzantine ecclesiastical music is an integral and inseparable part of Orthodox liturgy and worship. Byzantine ecclesiastical music has developed alongside with hymnography and the practice of ancient liturgical tradition, and thus testifies to the various movements of Orthodox understanding of worship and spirituality. The Committee for Byzantine Music of the Institute was founded to explore, educate and promote the study of byzantine ecclesiastical music by organizing discussions, technical seminars, and demonstrations. Areas of interest, research and study of byzantine music include the following:
- What is Orthodox liturgical music? What is Byzantine music?
- A history of Byzantine music, its origins and development
- Contemporary articles and analysis concerning the sacred musical art form
- Byzantine music in the tradition of the Archons of the Great Church of Christ
- Byzantine music notation, and the stages of its development
- The movements leading to ecclesiastical music reform
- The 19th century Chrysanthian reform and the method of the three teachers, Chrysanthos of Madyta, Gregory Protopsaltis, and Petros Ephesios
- Study of the modern Byzantine music notation
- The five chord systems and the genii
- The main melodic forms
Iconography is a visual expression, in color and in form, of the teaching and theology of the Orthodox Church. The study of the historical development of Orthodox icons throughout the ages complements the study of the development of Christian doctrine. The Committee for Iconography of the Institute aims to explore, educate and promote the study of iconography by organizing discussions, technical seminars, and demonstrations of the process of writing of icons. Areas of interest, research and study include the following:
- What are Orthodox icons? What is their function?
- A history of iconography, its origins and development
- The tradition of iconography, the various schools and movements
- The contemporary development of the art form
- Techniques of icon writing, mediums and materials
- The different iconographic styles and techniques
- Ancient, modern and post-modern iconographic masters
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